Social Media Packages

How is your social network doing today?

If you're unsure how to answer this question, you need a Social Media Marketing Expert!
Have Red Planet do what is does best... and create your Business or self a Social Media account that will start driving traffic the day it opens! We are fully capable of creating a variety of social media accounts such as FaceBook, LinkedIn, Twitter, HubPages, MySpace, Kaboodle, Squidoo and others.

Red Planet Social Media devotes time exclusively to understand your company and brand better, to create a custom-made campaign for you right from keyword selection to topics and themes.
Original content published along with your company’s branding and links will reach your target audience through social media products like blogs, videos, PR, articles and social networking sites.

We will gladly create social web accounts for your Business/Services. This will expose your site to hundreds of new people, generating more traffic to your website and ultimately generating a larger customer/clientele base.

Social media websites are the future of the internet; make sure you are a part of it! Here is just a small list of a social media account Red Planet can create for you
  • Facebook 
  • LinkedIn 
  • Youtube 
  • Twitter 
  • Squidoo 
  • HubPages
  • MySpace
  • etc... (any other you want to market your business/services)

Packages Details

-: Social Alpha :- ($750/Month)
This Monthly Package will intertwine your Blog, Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube, & Twitter accounts and update them 4 days per week! 2 times/day (Client will provide Contents)

This Monthly SMO Package will intertwine your Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube & Twitter accounts and update them 4 x per week!

-: Social Blue :- ($1000/Month)
This Monthly Package will intertwine your Blog, Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube, Article Submission Site & Twitter accounts and update them 7 days per week! 5 times/day (Client will provide Contents)

Social Media is the big thing right now, and many companies are using these social media outlets to keep customers abreast of current sales, new products, and other pertinent information. So, don't let your competitors out rank you because they tweet more then you, let the experts at Red Planet help you stay competitive.

    Still not satisfied? Contact us for more....